Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Grandpa Fell asleep during star wars

It was 1977. I was five years old. My grandfather, Pata, took me to Cinema 21--weird name, they only had 1 theatre--to see Star Wars. My DNA was changed forever.

The space battles were awesome, cool, amazing....But what i remember most was the tattooine stuff. the desert scened. it looked like el centro, where I was from. Star Wars is set in my hometown which means...I can fight the Empire. Me!

during the death star battle I remember looking over at my grandpa, assuming he was as blown away as I was.

He was asleep. During Star Wars! How was that possible? I was mad. afterwards i told him he was dumb grandpa.

I bring this up because my son and I were watching Clone Wars cartoon last night. Mace Windu was kicking some butt, and then all I remember was Logan patting my head. Asking me why I fell asleep.

Sorry Pata.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Worst 10 minutes of your life....

So I know my posts have been negative lately. (Three awful Star Wars movies will do that to you.)

But one of the most interesting bits of film criticism you'll ever see is the Phantom Menace Review...

most of you have already seen it; but the part that has been seared in my brain is part 7.

Where Lucas and cronies watch Menace in a screening room and herealizes...he can't fix it. It sucks, nobody told him it sucks, and now he's screwed.

That's how i felt watching the movie.

Anyway, for Starphiles out there, check out all 7 parts. IT's long---but so worth it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

George Lucas is a Control Freak

Heard a very interesting interview with the guy edited "Blockbustin"--the book I mentioned yesterday.

Shocking turns out Lucas is controlling. Like really controlling.

Apparently something out of Clone Wars Season 1 really bothered him. (Who knows? Maybe the shading was off.) But since he didn't oversee every aspect of Lucasfilm he felt personally betrayed.

Now...things are different. He looks at every single thing Lucasfilm puts out and critiques its quality.

Where was he in 1998?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Me Film Like George Lucas Someday

May the force be with you....for 24.95

So I'm like the biggest George Lucas fan ever. (That is...if he had gone into a coma around 1984 and never come out.) But I'm actually excited about his new book Blockbusting...

Okay so he didn't write it. (He didnt' even edit it.) He just said here are the movies you guys should looook at. But it's actually a real fundmanetal look at the blockbuster: what makes it good and successful.

If you're a film buff--or a Star Wars dork like me--I would definitely check it out.